Description REFILL AVAILABLE IN STORE - True Silver Colloid. Powerful Natural Antibacterial. Kills 99.9% germs.
REFILL Silver Colloid 1L - Silver Health * Bring your empty bottle* $50.95 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Add to Cart
REFILL Silver Colloid 125ml - Silver Health *Bring your empty Bottle* $15.95 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Add to Cart
REFILL Silver Colloid 500ml - Silver Health *Bring your empty Bottle* $31.95 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Add to Cart
Deodorant with Silver and Gold Colloid 50ml - Silver Health $37.95 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Add to Cart
Hand Sanitiser Silver Colloid 50ml- Silver Health $15.95 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Add to Cart
Gold and Silver Colloid 250ml - Silver Health $44.40 Decrease Quantity:- Increase Quantity:+ Temporarily Unavailable