We need to encourage one another to be as self sufficient as possible… now… in our gardens, as this is the most nutritious fresh food and and cheapest way to live in these times of rising prices. Growing our own food is very satisfying as well as beneficial to health and well-being.
Ideas on how to cut the costs of living. Numerous economical recipes. And, How to plant a practical edible garden.
Isabell Shipard would like you to learn how to be self sufficient. Isabell is one of Australia’s most knowledgeable and sought after authorities on herbs and author of the acclaimed books How can I use Herbs in my daily life? and How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food? says,
“For many years I taught Herb Courses, covering many edible plants, and included a segment on survival foods and the importance of self-sufficiency for possible hard times. People often expressed that I should put this information into a book.